Friday 7 May 2010

Twitter Mass Follow Tool

Hi, I'm Rob and the creator of a range of Internet Marketing products, designed to make Internet Marketers more efficient and productive.

My software automates the duties which slow you down when you're working online. For example, adding friends on Twitter. With my Twitter adder software you can enter a keyword and the software will run in the background adding 100's of targeted followers.

For example whilst I'm writing this post:

My Twitter Tools software has added 114 targeted users in the Work from Home niche and all I did was enter a keyword...pretty cool huh?

I ran the software once yesterday targeting Internet Marketers who understand the importance of automating their tasks. I followed over 200 users in this niche and 130 followed me back. Take a look at the following screenshot from Twittercounter and you'll see just how effective this software is.

See the spike on the 7th May...pretty impressive I think you'll agree!

I make a minimum of $50 a day with Internet Marketing and on a good day I'll make several hundred dollars. I'm not exceptional, I just know the "secret of getting it right!" and it's all down to automation. The only marketing medium I use is Twitter, I havent't written an ezine article in several months!
Over the past month I haven't even been working for more than a couple of hours a day and yet I've made several hundred dollars during that time and that's all thanks to Twitter :)
Take a look at the video below and you'll see just how easy this software is to use.

OK Rob, you've got me how much do you want to sting me for this? Well if you know me then you know I pride myself on providing great value for very little money. I create software that any Internet Marketer can afford, I'm not into charging $50 to $200 for my products, let the so called Guru's do that!

Nope, you can have my Twitter Tools software for $10 and I'll even give you a lifetime of updates. I'm not greedy, I do very well online and I'd like you to do the same. So take it or leave it, it's entirely up to you :)

So if you're an Internet Marketer making zilch or $1000's a day, this amazing software is yours for only $10, how cool is that?

Buy Now For Only $10

Payment is handled by Paypal's secure servers

The software will be delivered instantly as soon as you complete your Paypal payment.